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Shameless request for nominations

Expert witness service The Expert Institute is taking nominations for entries in its 2015 Best Legal Blog Contest.

Do I need to say anything more?

OK, here comes the shameless part.

Whether you are a years-long fanatical subscriber to this blog whose first action every morning upon waking is to grab your iPhone off your nightstand and check your RSS reader to see if there are any updates to this blog, or someone who just came across this blog yesterday, give some thought to nominating this blog. If you do, you should nominate it in the “niche” category. (If Best Blog By A Guy Who Does The Best He Can With The Time He Has Blogging About Things Like Appellate Procedure, Legal Research, Legal Writing, Technology in the Law, Significant Substantive Developments In The Law, And Court News Off-And-On Since 2007 is not a niche, I don’t know what is.)

To reach the contest nomination page, click the image above or the second link in this post. Or click here, here, here, or here. Or, if you like, here.

I’ll even let you click there to nominate other blogs. Just this once.

Update (8/19/15): Time is running out. I got an email this morning advising that nominations must be in no later than than the “end of the day” on Friday, August 21, 2015.