Constitutional Law,  Search & Seizure,  U.S. Supreme Court

Supremes Grant Cert in Teen Student Strip Search Case

Remember all the blog coverage (and not just here) about school officials’ strip search of a 13-year-old Arizona student in a “zero-tolerance” motivated quest for that dreaded scourge, Ibuprofen?  I covered the original decision upholding the search here, noted the grant of rehearing here, and the en banc reversal here.  Here’s the en banc opinion: Redding v. Safford USD #1, case no. 05-15759 (9th Cir. (en banc) July 11, 2008).

SCOTUS granted cert Friday afternoon, so there is sure to be another burst of blog coverage about the case.  If you want to get up to speed while saving yourself some clicks, go straight to this synopsis by newly minted California lawyer “Gabriel Malor” (a pseudonym, for reasons he explains here).  (Don’t be misled by the “moronlogger” label in his sidebar.  He [assuming “Gabriel” is really a “he”] frequently provides very good, concise coverage of major legal developments at his blog, Gabriel Malor.)


  • Joe

    School officials are costing the nation billions of dollars with their “zero tolerance” policies that do nothing but create confusion.

  • Sandy

    There is a better way to deal with that situation. Fire the offical who thought it was a good Idea to lock a little girl in a room and stip search her for Ibuprofen! That is rediculous, I would literally tear a man apart for doing that to my kids.