Last Friday’s post about blog-reading judges got my curiosity going about who is actually reading this blog. I’ve placed a survey at the top of the right sidebar asking you which of the responses best describes you. I would appreciate your participation, especially the extra effort any e-mail or RSS subscribers make to actually visit the blog to do so. You only need to respond once (in fact, if I have it set up right, it won’t let you respond more than once, even if you try it on different days). Select your response, then click the “Vote” button. That will take you to a bar graph showing the results of the voting so far and a a comment form for you to add any additional information you want. You can always check the results again by clicking on the “View” button.
To follow up on last Friday’s post: Over the weekend, I saw this post by Kevin O’Keefe at Real Lawyers Have Blogs that, like mine, cited this post at Texas Appellate Law Blog. Added O’Keefe:
Many LexBlog lawyer clients tell me that high in their readership stats are visits from courthouses, especially the federal courts. Clerks at those federal courts, the ones in turn briefing the judges, tell me they are regular readers of law blogs.
No question that the day is near when lawyers with well written blogs on niche litigation subjects are going to be called in as co-counsel on an appeal or brief. The value of having a lawyer on your side whose material is regularly read by the court you’re before is priceless.
I can vouch for the blog visits from the courts. I have no idea who is actually at the other end, but traffic from federal courts always spikes whenever I post about a Ninth Circuit criminal case.
Kevin OKeefe
Good of you to keep the discussion of judges reading blogs going Greg.
No question this trend is going to continue. We’re being contacted by more and more lawyers looking to make the focus of their blog a particular court of appeal. Imagine the day when each court of appeal for each state has a lawyer covering the court. It’s coming.
Daille Nation
This is interesting. Where I am, blawging has not yet taken off.
We always seem to follow eventually though. I hope to see more judges entering the blawgosphere whether as bloggers or readers.
Thanks for the comment!
FWIW, I have noted the same spike regarding ninth circuit cases. I asked a friend of mine who is a current clerk there, and he suggested that there is an internal website that links to blogs discussing Ninth opinions — helps them to find the discussion directly. I have no idea how they find the blogs though, probably look of links to the opinion pages.