
A Happy Milestone

Somehow I managed not to notice for a few days, but early last week my RSS feed subscriptions finally cracked triple digits after hovering around 95 for several months.  In fact, subscriptions spiked to 113 earlier this week but have settled down to 101 today.  (Every couple of days, Feedburner drops my Netvibes subscribers and the subscriber figure drops to the mid 30s, but then goes back to the correct figure after a day or two.)

100 regular readers probably doesn’t seem like a lot, especially to those of you who are fellow bloggers.  But it’s a happy milestone nonetheless.

I have a way to go to catch up to University of Tennessee law professor Glenn Reynolds, who, as of today, averages  245,870 hits per day at InstaPundit.

Baby steps.  Baby steps.

One Comment

  • Ray Ward

    Congratulations. >100 subscribers is a respectable number, especially for a one-man blog. Take it as confirmation that you’re doing good stuff here.