California Courts

The California Appellate Court Legacy Project

From the California Courts website:

In 2006, the California Appellate Court Legacy Project was undertaken to interview all retired justices in the state, as well as active justices who may be nearing retirement. Overseen by the Appellate Court Legacy Project Committee (chaired by Associate Justice Judith L. Haller of the Fourth Appellate District, Division One), interviews are videotaped or audiotaped and conducted by interviewers selected from within the appellate branch. Ultimately the tapes will be made available to judicial colleagues, historians, scholars, law students, and members of the public. The resulting archive will be an historical record of both the personal experiences of individual justices and the evolution of the California appellate courts.

Sounds like a worthy project, but I can’t find out any more about it.  Anyone know when or where the records will be archived and/or what their availability will be?

I am mildly embarrassed to say I earned about this from a lawyer clear across the country: Mitch Rubinstein at Adjunct Law Prof Blog.