West has published a new book on federal standards of appellate review: H. Edwards and L. Elliot, Edwards and Elliott’s Federal Courts – Standards of Review: Appellate Court Review of District Court Decisions and Agency Actions (West 2007).
Here’s the description from the book’s page at the West website:
This sophisticated but easy to understand exposition of the standards of review offers an invaluable resource for law students, law clerks, and practitioners. Decisions of the U.S. Courts of Appeals invariably are shaped by the applicable standards of review. “Fill[ing] a huge gap in the literature,” Standards of Review masterfully explains the standards controlling appellate review of district court decisions and agency actions. Leading academics have described the text as a “superb treatment, clear and comprehensive, of a crucial aspect of every appellate case,” that “makes accessible even the most complex doctrines of review.”
Of course, the Ninth Circuit has its own nifty research guide for standards of review, which serves as an excellent starting point for appeals to the Ninth. It is downloadable as three separate PDF files here.
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