Regular readers will note some small changes to the post and commenting formats.
First, the comment form now includes a field for your URL. If you fill out this field with the URL of your own blog, then a recent snippet from your blog will appear immediately below your comment. For an example, check the comment I have added to this post. In effect, you’re advertising on my blog. This service is by way of a plug-in called “Blogfollow,” and the Blogfollow badge appears below each post and on the comment page (which may be overkill — I’ll probably take it out of the position below each post). Hovering over the badge explains what the plug-in does. Clicking on it takes you to the developer’s webiste.
Second, I have added links for “E-mail This” and “Add a Comment” below each post. I was concerned that the “No Comments” link at the bottom of the post (which is still there), rather than communicating that no one had yet commented, might instead convey that comments were not allowed. “Add a Comment” hopefull dispels that impression.
This last feature has proven to be a little buggy. (For example, those links don’t appear to show up in this post, though they are in earlier posts.) I’m working through the issues with the developer. If I can’t get it functioning correctly in the next few days, I’ll take it out.
Greg May
This is a test comment for purposes of testing the functionality of the Blogfollow plug-in. A snippet from my test blog appears immediately below my comment because I put the URL of my blog inthe “Website” field of the comment form.
Greg May
This comment is posted solely to test the Blogfollow plug-in.