
Changes to the blog

wordpress-logo-stacked-rgb-2Regular readers will note a different look to the blog, which I implemented over the weekend. I actually liked the old look better, but my WordPress upgrade “broke” the Headway theme I used to create it. So, I’ve used a stock WordPress theme, which I was able to customize only in color and font choice. I’ll get back to a custom look once I figure out the new version of Headway, but that may be several months from now.

Upgrading my WordPress installation has significant “back end” benefits for me (most notably, better backup capabilities and comment spam prevention), but also has several benefits for readers. The broken commenting function has been restored, so readers can once again comment on my posts. Take advantage of it! (Look for the “Leave a comment” link to the right of the post categories underneath the social media icons that are under each post.) The social media icons are also new, and make it very easy for readers to share posts via LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, etc. Printing functionality is also greatly improved. Clicking the printer icon in the icon row below a post will create a printer-friendly version of the post.

Readers who currently subscribe via RSS or email should watch for an announcement later this month about changes to the subscription service. I will try to make that as seamless as possible.