
ABA Journal Blawg 100 Voting

200711302231The ABA Journal’s December 2007 issue announces the “ABA Journal Blawg 100,” which it describes as “the 100 best Web sites by lawyers, for lawyers, as chosen by the editors of the ABA Journal.”

The list includes three of the blogs that made my top 10 list in this meme about two months ago: Law Blog, Legal Pad, and Wayne Schiess’s legal-writing blog.

California lawyer blogs on the list include Pamela Fasick’s California Civil Litigation Quote of the Week and Denise Howell’s Bag and Baggage.

I don’t mind telling you I’m jealous as . . . heck.

There may be other California lawyer blogs on the list, but I need help identifying them. If you know that any of the other blogs on the list are authored by practicing California lawyers, please tell me which ones they are by shooting me an e-mail or posting a comment.

This link takes you straight to the voting page. It’s a little confusing at first. The blogs are divided into 12 categories, and only one category shows at a time. At the voting page, look for the logo that accompanies this post, and to its immediate right you’ll find a box with the categories listed. You change categories by clicking on the category you want.

ABA Journal says “Voting ends Jan. 2.” I don’t know whether that means you can only vote through Jan. 1 or through Jan. 2. So vote early.

By the way, I’m going to keep this post at the top of the blog at least through the end of the day Monday, so until then, look for new posts below this one.