Regular readers will notice the addition of the BlogRush widget in the right sidebar. Go ahead, take a look. You can’t miss it.
The widget displays headlines and blog (or author) names from feeds of legal blogs registered with BlogRush. Just click on a headline in the widget — after you’ve read the brilliant new content on this blog, of course — to go to the corresponding post on the linked blog.
BlogRush is a blog syndication network designed to increase traffic to its members. Every time that widget loads, I earn “syndication credits” that get my blog posts exposure in the BlogRush widgets on other legal blogs. Click my direct referral link to see a movie or view the FAQ for BlogRush. And if you decide to sign up, I would appreciate it very much if you do so through my direct referral link or by clicking on the part of the widget that says “Add Your Blog Posts — FREE.” (By the way, according to an e-mail from BlogRush this morning, they have more than 40 million headline displays in their first 5 days.)
If you decide to sign up, you might want to check out this blog post about tips for taking full advantage of BlogRush. (I’ve yet to try out the recommendations, so I can’t vouch for them, but they seem to make sense.)
I know I should depend on my impeccable writing, incisive analysis, and wry sense of humor to draw millions of daily readers. But this is a young blog, so I’ll try any gadget that has the potential to increase traffic (probably just the kind of thing Judge Kozinski hates), so long as it’s not too obnoxious and doesn’t slow down the site.
If you do notice a significant slowdown in the loading time for the blog, please shoot me an e-mail or leave a comment on this post. Thanks.